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"Attract Stampedes of FREE Traffic From Google When You Hire An SEO Expert... For Just $2.95!" Review Of Derek Gehl's "Search Marketing Labs": Attracting crowds of qualified buyers with a top ranking in Google, Yahoo, and MSN just got a whole lot easier... and cheaper. The term "search engine optimization" used to be synonymous with difficult and expensive. Not any more. Because thanks to Derek Gehl's latest release, you do NOT need to be intimidated by terms like "keyword density" and "optimization" anymore. And you certainly don't need to outsource your search engine traffic campaigns to third-party experts for exorbitant fees of $3,000-$10,000!
There's absolutely no guesswork. First, Derek gives you a series of online videos that walk you through the baby step basics of getting your website search engine ready. Then, using the same clear, no-BS teaching style, you'll be shown how to apply the very same advanced SEO strategies that Derek and his team have used to secure a Top 5 ranking in Google for 3 years running... ... And beat out over 294 Million competitors including many multi-million dollar corporations! And then, just in case you need some extra hand-holding, you'll have unlimited access to Derek's very own in-house SEO expert in a secret discussion forum, where you can ask unlimited questions about your specific search engine campaign! This alone is EASILY a $1500-$3000 value -- but Derek's giving you unlimited access to his private SEO expert for the next 30 days for just $2.95. To get all the details, visit When Derek first launched his "Search Marketing Lab" approximately one year ago, I didn't pay much attention. My mistake. Because today, he's got testimonials lined up around the block -- all regular people who started with ZERO or mediocre traffic, who attract 5,000 to 40,000+ visitors every month using these secrets. The majority of SEO books, courses, and seminars you'll find out there are a waste of money, not worth the paper they're printed on, because they're not kept up-to-date. But since "Search Marketing Lab" gives you the same SEO strategies that Derek's currently using on his own site (, which is reported to attract over 1.8 Million visitors every month, you can be sure you'll be the first to know when there's a major search engine change… ... And the first to PROFIT from Derek's hard won SEO research, newest optimization techniques, and late-breaking developments. I recommend very few SEO resources to my clients. But this tops my list. And the $2.95 Trial that Derek is giving away right now is a steal. To get yours before he shuts it down... |
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Posted by at 8:03 AM 0 comments
If you frequent any of the AdSense forums chances are you’ve come across the phrase ‘AdSense Arbitrage‘, while it’s been around for a while a lot of people don’t understand what it is, or how it works. While I’m not a big player in the arbitrage model I’ve been doing it profitably for a few months, so I can explain how I do it and share a few tips I’ve picked up.
To start let’s take a high level view of what AdSense arbitrage is and how it works. The basic principle is to pay for a low price for keyword in an advertising program like AdWords, Overture Yahoo Search Marketing, or MSN AdCenter and direct users to a page with AdSense or another contextual advertising program on it that has higher payout. You can either bid low on the same term, looking for keywords with a large bid gap (more on that later) or you can bid on very specific keywords with little competiton and drive them to page with ads for a more general and competitive term.
Sounds pretty simple you bid $1 for a keyword, direct the traffic to a landing page with ads that pay $2 sit back and watch the profits roll in right? Well there’s a little more to it than that, it’s not rocket science but the more familiar you are with how both Adwords and AdSense works the more likely you are to succeed. Up until fairly recently most publishers were getting a 60% cut of the adwords price, $0.03 on a $0.05 bid. However now that AdSense has factored in smart pricing it’s a little more complicated. Here’s a decent explanation of smart pricing from Jensense (One poorly converting site can “smart price” an entire AdSense account -
The role smart pricing plays in your account varies from one account to the next and is an unknow variable. To keep the math here simple I’m not going to include it, but it is something you should factor into your computations. To keep things simple lets assume you are bidding $1.00 for a keyword. Again to keep things simple lets assume the advertiser is paying $2.00 a keyword, so you’ll get $1.20 a click ($2.00 * 0.6). So you pay $1.00 a click but get $1.20 a click so you make $0.20 every click, not a lot but you’re not really doing any work after you get it running so you’ll make money slowly. The problem is you aren’t going to get a 100% click through rate on your AdSense ads. Unless we have a 90% CTR we are going to lose money. While I’m not going to say you can’t achieve a 90% ctr, I am going to say if you did it would be pretty phenomenal. Let’s take a much more realistic CTR of say 30%. If you were able to get the cost down so you were paying $0.25 per click you would be in much better shape
100 leads @ $0.25 = $25
30 clicks at $1.2 = $36
$11 profit
$11 Profit per day isn’t a lot, in fact it’s probably going to cover lunch at the diner and not much else. So you’re going to have to find something with a lot of volume per day or look for a wider bid gap. A bid gap is what occurs when there is a large gap in bid prices for a particular keyword for example:
Bidder 1 - $10.00
Bidder 2 - $9.75
Bidder 3 - $7.00
Bidder 4 - $3.00
Bidder 5 - $1.25
There $4.00 difference between bidder 3 and 4 is a sizeable bid gap, and these are the opportunities you are looking for when you play the arbitrage game. Adwords isn’t much help in revealing bid in fact the best you can get is a kinda close guestimate, using the Overture Bid tool you can get much more accurate bid prices. Let’s assume you are going to bid 1 penny more than bidder number 5 so it will cost you $1.26 for each bid. The top bid is $10.00 so you will get $6.00 per click, so lets run some number again
100 leads @ $1.26 = $126
30 clicks @ $6.00 = $180
$54 dollars profit
Ok $54 dollars is more like it, now you can take your significant other out to dinner. But let’s slow down let’s say you are running a popular sized adsense block, good old 300 x 250. Well that size block displays up to 4 ads. If the user clicks on advertisement #3 forget going out to eat it’s left over mac and cheese for you. If they click on advertisement #4 you’ve lost money, so you better call up mom and see if you can come over for dinner.
There are some other points to remember as well like cash management. Let’s say you spend $1000 on Adwords, and get $2000 from AdSense, $1000 profit so what’s the problem? You won’t be getting your AdSense check until the end of the month, and chances are your credit card bill will come before your AdSense check arrives, so make sure you can cover the expense. Letting your bill run up and giving the credit card company 18%-22% of your profit just isn’t cool. If you can’t float the money find a 0% interest credit card.
Getting your first campaign up, running and making a profit is definitely the hardest part. You probably are going to have to micromanage it for a week or two. You may even ask yourself is this worth the time? Well remember you’re just on the learning curve, once you’ve learned how to do it for one the second one is easier, the third even easier and by the fourth one hopefully you’ve found your groove. AdSense arbitrage isn’t rocket science but you do have to be on the ball, and it’s not for the faint of heart.
Posted by at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Why not create a carpooling dating site,how about a cat lovers dating site, maybe a campers site the niche for creating a dating site is wide open..hey why not create a fetish site say some one who like fat women or feet...a dating site that allows you to keep 100% of the profits and comes with free installation and tons of free plug ins and a great looking script can be just the niche your looking for. Here's a site that I found that I'm working with to get my own dating site up and running I won't giveaway the niche just yet but it will make you say WOW why didn't I think of that!! webDate - Powerful Online Dating Software
Posted by at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Why the Hispanic Market? It is just huge... 434 million ... online has 61 million people.
Five of the top 7 main Hispanic sites are search engines.
The second most popular language searched in Google is Spanish.
It all comes down to the degree of rivalry when entering a niche.
Looking at the search engine marketing industry as a whole ... new niches offer opportunities.
The market is going to grow where the Spanish population currently exists. This includes most major cities in the U.S. Think outside the box when it comes to finding a profitable website niche utilize the power of the blog and deliver as promised and you'll slowly grow your online business and be on your way to making good money online.
Labels: profitable spanish latin website nices, spanish website niches
Posted by at 6:52 AM 0 comments
Whether you are an affiliate marketer, a website designer or you make your living creating and marketing infoproducts such as ebooks, discovering profitable niche markets to exploit is probably at the top of your "to-do" list. The following is a four-step system you can apply anytime you need to find a new niche audience to target and profit from.
1. Initial Brainstorming
This first step is best approached with a very open mind and a notebook and pen handy. The idea is to seek topics that are outside your current realm of knowledge. One of the best ways to do this is by reading blogs.
Bloggers come from every walk of life, and you will find blogs with information on almost any niche topic imaginable. Best of all, bloggers provide fresh, timely information.
Start spending some time reading some random blogs. A good starting place would be at blog directories such as Blogdex - . As you are reading, you'll discover many different topics being discussed. Many of these you may have never heard of before. Start writing these down.
Example: You found yourself reading a blog post that described the blogger's recent experience at a demolition derby. Maybe you don't know much yourself about this niche, so you add "demolition derby" to your list.
2. Keyword Research
Once you have a list of several possible niches, the next step is to find out what keywords and keyword phrases people are using to search for this and related information via the major search engines. Good Keywords - for example, is a free Windows software you can download that will help you do just this. With this program, you can type-in a topic from your list and the software will begin to uncover many related keyword phrases being actively searched for.
It takes time to get the hang of this software, but once you master it you will be able to generate large and valuable keyword lists. After you uncover at least a few dozen related keyword phrases, save your list and move onto the next step. If you are not able to uncover many related keyword phrases, chances are there is not much potential here and you should start over with another topic from step one.
Example: Using Good Keywords or a similar tool, you enter the term "demolition derby". You soon have a large list of related keyword phrases people have been using to search for information on this topic, such as "demolition derby video" and "demolition derby car for sale".
3. Secondary Idea Creation
Read through the keyword list you generated. Some of your keyword phrases are going to give you ideas for other target audiences you may want to explore in the future. Take some time now to write these new ideas down while they are still fresh in your mind. Save this information for later reference. You can never have enough fresh ideas to explore when trying to uncover under-exploited niche markets.
Example: One of the keyword phrases in your "demolition derby" list was "demolition derby game online" - you note that later you should explore what other types of online games people are searching for.
4. Niche Potential Analysis
If you used Good Keywords to mine for keyword phrases, you will have also been provided with an approximate number of times each of these terms was searched for during the past month. The next thing you need to do is compare this number, representing potential search engine traffic, with the number of websites already catering directly to these searches.
To do this, start by taking your keyword phrases and do an exact phrases search on each of them at Google, making certain to surround your keyword phrase in quotes. Write down the number of results google brings back for your search. Next, compare the number of monthly searches for each phrase to the number of Google results.
If you are lucky, you will discover that some of your keyword phrases with good monthly traffic don't have many results in the search engines yet. If you find that you have uncovered a niche that has several keyword phrases with a high number of monthly searches and at least a few of them have a low number of results in Google, chances are you have found a very good niche to exploit with your next online project. If not, go back to the list you created in step one and repeat the process.
Example: You discover that the phrase "demolition derby car for sale" is searched for around 700 times monthly, but brings back only 486 results in Google and the term "demoliton derby pic" receives several hundred searches a month but only returns 258 results in Google. You are very happy to have discovered a potentially hot niche with good under-exploited keyword phrases to target.
Although there are several costly and difficult to master programs available that can help you discover unique target markets, the system above has proven to be an effective free method for uncovering niches to profit from. Apply it today and be on your way to niche marketing success.
Posted by at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
As promised, each and every day, like clockwork, you
will get a simple email like this one, exposing an
already tested profitable market that you can build a
niche site around.
Todays Niche is: auto parts
Estimated Overture Monthly traffic: 497,050
High PPC Bid Price: $0.75
Posted by at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The SportsLife Advantage gives you the tools that get you going in your own sports business. Over 1,000 people like you have gone on to become successful sports business owners either full or part time. They saw the opportunity and took that first step toward a successful sporting goods or apparel business. Our dealers buy sporting goods and apparel at great wholesale prices. Wholesale sporting goods, equipment and apparel are only the start with SportsLife. You will be able to network with other business owners, share marketing ideas, get top-of-the-line business support from a national group with years and years of experience.Website Hosting
E-Commerce Website with preloaded products
Ability to add your own items
Merchant Account Real Time Credit Card Software
Your Own Domain Name Registered ( Money Online! SportsLife members get access to over 70 wholesale suppliers who carry over 200,000 prodcuts. Click here to learn more...
Posted by at 12:44 PM 0 comments
SplogSpot - The Spam Search Engine: Splogs, according to Wikipedia: "Spam blogs, sometimes referred to by the neologism splogs, are Web Log (or "blog") sites which the author uses only for promoting affiliated websites....Content is often nonsense or text stolen from other websites with an unusually high number of links to sites associated with the splog creator which are often disreputable or otherwise useless Web sites." SplogSpot is a search engine created just to find these splogs.
Horrorfind, The Horror and Halloween Search Engine: Features over 11K sites in its database at the time of this writing. Lots of interesting Halloween and horror stuff here, including Gothic, Graveyards, Music, Sci-Fi, and more. Becoming very popular, good nich to get into.
Obituary Search Engines: This is a great hub site that features obituary search engines maintained by states, libraries, universities, and other various sources. The Obituary Search Portal is probably the best place to start your initial search., a Celebrity Search Engine:Celebhoo is a celebrity search engine; the site maintains a pretty hefty list of celebrity information, gossip, hot lists, etc. Kind of like the "National Enquirer" of search engines.
The Big Cartoon Database/Search Engine: This Big Cartoon database combo search engine is mammoth. Use the site map to view a top level sorting of all that they have to offer, and then check out the detailed search page in order to narrow down your search.
Webopedia,Computer and Internet Definition Search Engine: Probably one of the most useful sites on the Web that doesn't tend to get a lot of buzz. I've been using Webopedia for years to figure out computer and Internet terms, definitions, and acronyms. Webopedia's Search page is the best place to start when looking for a computer or Internet definition.
Labels: find a hot website niche, website niche search engines
Posted by at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Derek Gehl is giving away his $297 "Internet
Millionaire's Protege Bootcamp" DVDs for FREE!
This means you can get 7 hours of professional online
business training in the comfort of your very own home --
and all YOU have to pay is the cost of shipping the
package to your door!
But apparently there are only 121 copies of Derek's
world-class training DVDs left...
...So to claim your free 7-hour DVD training system now,
go to:
Good Luck With Your Websites Remember Blogs Are A Great Way To Add Some Much Needed Traffic Fast And Free To Your New Website
P.S. Derek is also throwing in a free 30-day membership
to his exclusive Internet Entrepreneur Club... Which
means you'll have unlimited access to his online building
experts -- and can ask them any questions you want -- for
a whole month!
To claim your free 7-hour DVD training system, go to:
Posted by at 7:29 AM 0 comments
If you’re using Google Feedburner feeds for your blog or websitesite's, you can now include AdSense ads into it the extra money you'll make will come in handy. The service had been tested and is now live. The new AdSense for Feeds option lets you create a new ad unit that has a format automatically selected from 468x60 and 300x250.Generally, the 300x250 size will display when there's more content and when your feed is being viewed in a device with a larger display,. You can choose if you want image ads, the ad frequency, the position (top or bottom of the post), the colors and a channel that tracks the ad performance. It's another great way to increase your adsence checks look for more great adsence tips in the weeks to come.
Posted by at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Everyone who has a website struggles at one time or another with how to improve their home page. Although many visitors enter through pages deeper in your site, your home page is often a visitor's first introduction to your company or organization. For that reason, it's important to start off on the right foot.
Here are three easy ways to improve your home page:
1. Focus
If you have a large site with a fair amount of information, there is a strong tendency for the home page to become unfocused and cluttered. The temptation is to try to say everything that needs to be said all at once. This often leads to a smorgasbord of links, announcements, special offers, or ads.
While you may want to present everything up front, that approach will be detrimental to the effectiveness of your home page. Visitors can only evaluate so many options at once, and they'll do better if you take a more organized, focused approach.
Instead of trying to say everything on the home page, take a critical look at your site and see if there are ways that you could bring more focus to the page. Ask yourself a few questions:
Does your home page have three columns? If so, are three columns really necessary, or are you trying to present too much information all at once?
How many distinct items does your home page emphasize? Are there ways to relegate some of that info to pages deeper in the site?
Are all of the items on your home page actually related to one another, or are there items that really don't fit with the overall focus of the site?
Will visitors be able to absorb all of the material presented on your home page, or are they likely to get confused?
Is your home page clearly organized?
Will visitors be able to understand the overall purpose of your site and what you want them to do, or will they get lost or distracted trying to figure out what to do?
2. Empathize
Your ability to empathize with your visitors will tremendously impact the success of your home page. When visitors come to your site, they should have a sense that you understand their individual needs and can relate to them in a way that is comfortable for them.
For this reason, much of your time should be spent studying your customers.
What are their reasons for coming to your site?
What is their level of knowledge about your products or services prior to coming to your site?
How do they make decisions about whether or not to buy your product?
Make it your goal to empathize with your visitors as much as possible. Then focus on making your site reflect your visitor's needs as much as possible. The more you concentrate on empathizing, and the better your site reflects your knowledge of your visitors' needs, feelings, and habits, the easier it will be to win their loyalty as a customer.
3. Promote action
If your home page isn't focused on eliciting an action from your visitors, you're wasting a valuable opportunity.
Visitors want you to tell them how to take action. They need to see what they are supposed to do. So tell them!
The content on your home page should be riveted around getting visitors to pursue some course of action--whether that means buying the product being advertised, signing up for a service, or getting more info.
Make sure your home page includes a clear button (or multiple buttons) to take the next step. And don't be too subtle: Give a clear, strong, compelling invitation to act. MORE GREAT WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR PAGERANK
Posted by at 7:05 AM 0 comments
Here are the 7 Proven Ways to get Your Website on Page 1 Organically & then Convert as stated by the presenter Shawn Moore.
• Content is King
What your content says, what your images and video show not only give users a first impression, but those items are also important to how a search engine is going to interpret your website.
• Navigation and Architecture
Looking into the way that your menus and internal linking structure are important. Can the web crawlers see and index your navigation? Or is it in JavaScript or Flash that may not be as search friendly?
• Blogs
Using a blog is just another way to generate more content for the search engines to index and use to rank your website.
• Quality and Keyword Rich Inbound Links
The number of links you have is important, but the quality of those links is more important. Get links from relevant sites and ensure that those links are using keyword phrases and not just your website address or business name.
• Database
Shawn said that choosing the right database for your site is important. Some are not search engine friendly and that choosing the wrong one will cause lots of issues down the line.
• Electron Press Releases or Optimized Releases
These releases give your site more exposure in search engines and the keyword rich links in the content can help increase your rankings.
• Domain Name Strategy
It was recommended that, if you can, choose a domain name with keyword phrases in it as it'll give an added boost in search engines. You can also purchase additional domain names and forward them onto your website. Try thinking about what a user may type into the address bar of their browser and then register that domain for easy access. Some of the tips are well known, others were a bit questionable to me. I'm still trying to figure out how a certain type of database can hurt a site as it's all about how the content is displayed on that page and the URLs used that is the part to be concerned with.
Posted by at 7:00 AM 0 comments